Check out the following essay written by Erica Allman...pretty good stuff! Let her know what you think.
Erica Allman
LA 101-The Power of Ideas
This I Believe Essay
This I Believe
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else” (C.S. Lewis) All Americans today have their own way of thinking. Their own way of believing. How did humans come about on the planet Earth? Where did we come from? In my Christian Faith, I believe that we came from God who made the Earth and all things in it. People have their own views and opinions on these matters, but my opinion in a faith based belief and that is how I will live until I am on this Earth no more. I believe in the Christian faith and I'm not ashamed to express that.
All my life I grew up in a Christian home. Went to church on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesday nights. I was taught about Jesus for ever since I can remember. Being a Christian, you are not always agreed with and many other people have their opinions on their faith and what's right and what's wrong. Growing up a Christian, I believe the Bible, and what the Bible says is right is right, and what the Bible says is wrong is wrong.
The basic belief of the Christian faith is that Jesus was a perfect man who walked this Earth for 33 years to spread the news about who he was and how to get to heaven. Many people were appalled by his teachings and they decided to crucify him at the age of 33. Jesus died, was buried and on the third day he rose again. All other kings are buried, you can find their graves and if you were to dig them up, you would find their remains. But Jesus is not in the place where he was buried, because I believe he rose on that third day and now sits at the right hand of God in heaven. This is the major part of the Christian faith. To believe in the death, burial, and resurrection.
The second major part of the Christian faith says that if you want to go to heaven when you die, you have to go through Jesus. In the Bible, John chapter 14 verse 6 states “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me”. It says you can't get to heaven unless you believe in the death burial, and resurrection, and you live the life according to how God has appointed Christians to do. I believe you can not get to heaven on good works alone, because the Bible says that. I believe you have to have asked Jesus into your heart and believe in everything his word says.
The third major part to the Christian faith is believing that when we die and we are Christians, we go to heaven where Jesus has built all of his children mansions to live in for all eternity. Heaven is described as a beautiful magnificent place where there are gates of pearl, walls of jasper, streets of gold. How expensive gold is here on Earth, God made his streets of gold for us to walk on in Heaven. When I asked Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins, he then began to prepare my mansion in Heaven and for that I am thankful. As a born again Christian, it is my job to go and tell others about my belief. I need to live my life according to how God has said in the Bible. With how the Bible describes Heaven being, I can not wait to get there and see all the beauty around me.
Christianity explains a lot of who I am. A Christian is not something I am, it is who I am. Every religion around the country has their beliefs and what they feel is right. That is the natural thing to do, you believe your religion is right and you do not back down. I am a Christian and I believe that is right for my life. It is not my place to judge anyone and tell them their religion is wrong, or they are wrong. It is not my place to do so. However, I can tell them about my religion and what I believe in. Christianity has always been a big part of my life and will always be a big part of my life and also my future family's lives. Christianity is such a big part in my life because it is where I came from. I came from God who created Adam and Eve and everything that was ever put onto the Earth. We were born into a sin-filled Earth because of Adam and Eve in the beginning but God gives us a chance to change that and go away from the sin. He says if we accept him into our heart, then we will go to Heaven. So as bad and corrupt as this world is and will keep getting worse, I have no fear because I know where I will be when it is all said and done. Jesus was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. I can not get to Heaven unless I go through Jesus himself and live the life he has called me to live. And I have a mansion waiting for me in Heaven. This is my Christian faith and in This I Believe.