When Satan was cast down from heaven, he was given dominion over earth for a period of time. Known as the father of lies (John 8:44), he opposes anything related to the Lord. Because we are all made in God's image, the Enemy seeks to thwart us. Under his rule, our world has become morally and spiritually contaminated.
We come into the world physically alive but spiritually dead and in rebellion against the Lord (Ephesians 2:1-2). Yet by trusting Jesus as our Savior, we receive a new nature and are adopted into God's family. Before salvation, man is enslaved to sin and unable to free himself. But through the Holy Spirit, believers have the power to say no to wrongdoing and yes to godliness (Titus 2:12).
Because of our new identity as children of God, we can't let ourselves become bound together intimately with unbelievers--we no longer share the same nature or purpose. Followers of Jesus are called to serve as His ambassadors, spreading knowledge of the Savior and living righteous lives. We're to put aside our own desires and instead embrace His. In addition, we must admit when we've sinned and then seek His forgiveness. And of course, we worship the heavenly Father through His Son. These concepts are foreign to someone who doesn't belong to Christ.
We are wise to choose as our most intimate friends and trusted advisers those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. How beneficial it is to receive counsel based on Scripture and to have role models who point us toward the Son.
InTouch Magazine, January 2008 Issue.
I am so glad God adopted me into His family! I think this message is very important. God wants us to be with other believers. The Scripture says, "What fellowship can light have with darkness?" As God's people, we are "the light of the world." By getting involved intimately (not just sexual relationships) we set ourselves up for potential downfalls. By linking ourselves with other believers we are encouraged by each other to live godly lives. I have non-Christian friends. I am sure all of you do as well, but my closest friends are ones that share my love for Jesus Christ and are guided by His Spirit. God has given us an awesome gift and He wants us to share it and experience it together. He wants us to be able to lean on each other for support and encouragement. He gives us each other because He knows we need each other!
ReplyDeleteI think this picture is very funny!