Monday, January 14, 2008

Good Decisions

Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.
Psalm 119:24
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
Luke 6:12
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.
Proverbs 11:14
Do you ever feel afraid of making the wrong decision? God is not waiting for you to make the wrong decision so that He can zap you. He wants to help you make the right choices. A right decision will be consistent with the principles of truth found in God's Word. If there is only one option that will please God, then that is the right decision. Pray for guidance and get wise advice from other Christians. If you find yourself with several options that are consistent with God's Word, then trust God to help you make the most of the path you choose.

Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.
Psalm 119:98


  1. I cannot begin to emphasize how important it is for us to ask God for guidance. Unlike Tom Tom or Garmin, He will never steer us in the wrong direction (that was for you Jon!). The problem is that a lot of times we don't listen because what God wants us to do isn't exactly what we want to do. With the presidential election right around the corner, we as Christians need to be seeking His guidance more than ever. This country needs a leader that is strong in their spiritual life. Remember to pray for our country and for our leaders. I know how much I struggle with the small decisions I have to make everyday. Imagine the pressure they feel.

  2. I know this is an area of life that I really struggle with. I am always worried I will make the wrong decision or decide to do something that is not in line with God's Will for my life. Often times, I hesitate to make even the seemingly smallest decisions. I have not been praying about this like I should have and this devotion really opened my eyes to how I should handle this problem. I have the best thing I could have when trying to overcome my "inability" to make decisions. I have God's Word. Please help pray for me everybody. And Gene is right, we need to be praying for our nation and for the leaders of our nation.

    (Hey Catie...looks like I'ma have to grow a beard now haha!)

  3. Yes John a beard is essential. It may be a difficult decision but it is one you can quickly erase haha. But seriously, decision making is an area in my life that causes me stress and uncertainty especially regarding the future. But it is so great to look back on my 22 years and see how God has brought me to this exact place for one reason or another. I have to accept that even though i may never know the purpose, God knew and hopefully used me while i was here or there...One thing that helps me get over hard decisions and worrying about certain things is the fact that God has already been there. He is not confined to our linear view of time. He knows what decision we make/made and has already seen us through it. If it was the wrong one, we will feel the consequences but He is still there. And if we make the right decision we are encouraged because He is there also. That is one thing I try to stretch my brain to try to realize(eventhough i never will).. God isnt hindered by past, present or future tense- He just is.

  4. Terrific comments Gene and Catie...both of your comments opened my eyes and touched my heart. I can't believe Catee spelled my name wrong though! HA
