Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Joyously Giving Thanks

Okay everybody...

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I hope everyone is ready to eat! I'm hoping to put on about 24 lbs tomorrow...but anywho...I have decided on a reading for us to look over for this week. I apologize for taking so long, but with the holidays and me being is hard to get stuff done. it goes.

The passage today is about: Joyously Giving Thanks

READ: Colossians 1:11-14 and 3:15-17

As you read this passage think about:

- When was the last time you joyously gave thanks to God?

- How often do we get excited over a movie, television program, or sporting event, and yet remain silent about the many blessings God sends our way?

- Do you live in gratitude for God’s precious blessings, remembering to thank Him for more than just His material provisions?

CLOSING: Ok party people. Please read over those versus sometime this week. Once you have read them, post a comment about what you found interesting or something that stood out in your mind. Also, feel free to post comments that don't necessarily deal with the reading.

I want this blog to be free flowing and conversational. Give responses to the questions, share stories/experiences, tell everybody you love'em...whatever. Just remember that the Holy Blogger's Blog will be as good as we all are willing to make it, so lets give it what we gots!


God Bless...


  1. quite the appropriate reading for the Thanksgiving weekend I must say...I really enjoy both passages, what a thing we as followers of Christ have to be thankful for! My favorite part is "he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves..." It is amazing to live outside the dominion of darkness(ie the world) to not be bothered with issues that many people our age see as pertinent.
    It hurts my heart, though, to look at the meager thanks I offer compared to the excitement I exhibit in certain situations. I am not a very excitable person in general, but these passages def help me consider why I am thankful and how I can show my thankfulness. Happy Thanksgiving and GO Tigers(on saturday!)

  2. "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father." I really liked these verses.. esp the last part.. "May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father." because that just makes me think about how we can let the smallest things ruin our day or days.. i know sometimes i can get so caught up in my life at school that i forget that other life exsists.. its good to hear that verse when you get so overwhelmed and down because of a bad grade or something going wrong.. we always have reasons to be thankful. :)

  3. Catie and Lindsey, you both make great points. It is crazy when you think about some of the things people let occupy their time and their thoughts...and the silly things that people let upset them or ruin their days. It is extremely easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget the One that is always there for us and the One who always provides for us in every situation...which is God. Sometimes we just have to sit back and take a look at all the things God has done for us and how He has and continues to provide for us.

  4. "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." This verse really humbles me because all too often, I don't thank God for everything he has blessed me with. It is so easy to get involved in all the materialistic aspects of life which causes us to forget all the many ways God has blessed us. I am so quick to get caught up in all that life has to offer that I forget who allowed me to participate and be involved in so many different activities. There are many times when I just have to take time out of my hectic schedule and reflect all the ways that God has provided for me.
