> If my people, who are called by my name, will humble
> themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their
> wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive
> their sin and will heal their land.
> 2 Chronicles 7:14
Seems like pretty good advice for our world today...how would things
change if this actually happened? If we all humbled ourselves before
Almighty God and asked for His forgiveness of our sins? What if we all
started living our lives exclusively for God?
Pretty simple instructions on how to fix this broken world. 1)Humble ourselves, 2)pray, 3)seek His face, and 4)turn from our wicked ways. If we can do these four things, He promises to forgive our sins and heal our land. Why are we so resistent and disobedient?
ReplyDeleteI love the breakdown mentioned above and I have a few theories to your question of "why are we so resistant and disobedient?", but the one that I think sums them all up is that IT'S EASIER. It is easy for us to NOT humble ourselves, to NOT pray, to NOT seek God, and TO KEEP DOING WHATEVER WE WANT to do.
DeleteFollowing God is hard work. If we read Scripture, we know that this is true. Jesus/God never promised that following Him would be easy. We learn in the Gospels when someone would ask Jesus what they needed to do to be a follower of His, He always told them that they had to make some sort of sacrifice. It was typically either a financial sacrifice (Mark 10:17-23), or a relational one (Matthew 8:18-22).
I think if we can get over ourselves long enough to see the benefits of living for something/Someone Greater than us, our entire worlds would get turned upside down for the better. The problem is, few of us are willing to put in the work involved with following Jesus the way He asks us to. Talking about it and doing it are two different things. It requires more than going to church on Sunday and putting a "Jesus Fish" bumper sticker on your car. It requires time, dedication, and commitment. We have to be willing to put in the work.