Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jon Acuff: What new leaders know & old leaders fear.

(Re-posting this from Jon Acuff's blog. I thought it was interesting and I feel like I'm seeing the truth behind this in my life...both in wanting to be real and honest myself, and wanting other people to be real and honest about their struggles [and successes] in life.)

What New Leaders Know & Old Leaders Fear.

Old generation leaders think:

“If I share my weaknesses, my followers will never be able to trust my strengths.”

That thinking helped create leaders who, in meetings, and in speeches only share their successes or mistakes they made twenty years ago. The ridiculous assumption is if you don’t share your weaknesses, people won’t know you have any. Usually, the people you lead are already well aware of your weaknesses, even if you’ve been fronting like you’re perfect.

This next generation won’t stand for that line of thinking.

New generation leaders know:

“If I don’t trust my followers enough to share my weaknesses with them, they’ll never trust my strengths when I share those with them.”

The days of fake leaders are drawing to a close.

Don’t overshare as a weapon or a way to manipulate, but don’t think you can be an authentic leader without being an authentic human first.
How would you define “authenticity?”

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