Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week #59 Dealing with the Unexpected

This week is here...for now! Got a little slack on the comments this past week, and I admit, even I neglected the blog for most of the week. What do you say we try to pick it back up this week? I really think that we have enough people reading the blog every week now where we should be averaging double digit comments. Don't be afraid to offer some feedback. Let's open the doors up and see what happens. Comments don't have to be long or "deep." We just want some feedback. Let us know you are out there.

Check it out this week: Week #59 Dealing with the Unexpected

Leave a comment!!! Tell a friend...tell them to leave a comment. Even if it is just one word...or two.

Also...please be praying for a family friend. Had a stroke over the weekend and not 100% sure what all damage has been done, but family is staying positive and they really need all of our prayers. Let's make this week GREAT!!! God Bless...


  1. what happened to the comments that were posted yesterday? They are gone .. kaputz .. shazam poof!

  2. Azee, the comments are still there. You have to actually click on the link for this week's blog to read them.
