Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hello All...

I decided not to type up a weekly Bible study this week...didn't study up and prepare like I should have (please forgive). I ran across this devotional though and thought it shined a light on a subject not always on the list of Biblical topics.


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Are you shaping up or spreading out? Do you eat sensibly and exercise regularly, or do you spend most of your time on the couch with a [bag of cookies] in one hand and a clicker in the other? Are you choosing to treat your body like a temple or a trash heap? How you answer these questions will help determine how long you live and how well you live.

Physical fitness is a choice, a choice that requires discipline--it's as simple as that. So, do yourself this favor; treat your body like a one-of-a-kind gift from God...because that's precisely what your body is.You can't buy good health at a doctor's office--you've got to earn it for yourself.
Marie T. Freeman

It is important to set goals because if you do not have a plan, a goal, a direction, a purpose, and a focus, you are not going to accomplish anything for the glory of God.
Bill Bright

-A Prayer-
Lord, all that I am belongs to You. As I serve You with all that I am and all that I have, help me to honor You by caring for the body that You have given me. Amen.

Walking with Christ Every Day Devotional, 2007

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