Thursday, July 31, 2008


I added these two headers to this page and to the Weekly Study Page. What do you think? Should I keep them both? Keep one of them and use it for both pages...if so, which one? Go back to the original?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Give Me Your Eyes...Under the Bridge

I am really feeling Brandon Heath's new song "Give Me Your Eyes."

I'm also feeling Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Both songs have been added to the playlist down at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week #31 Satan

Week #31 is up and ready to go. I am planning on making a "series" out of these topics. I think a lot of us have a misconception of who satan is and what he can and can't do. Hopefully these next few weeks will shine a light on a topic I feel we should all be well aware of.

Check out the post...comment...tell a friend...let me know what's on your mind. I hope you all have a great week!

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Niece's Bday Gift

I did this for my niece's 1st birthday. I used oil pastels on a 20x26 sheet of paper. What do you think?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Interesting Site...

Hello All...

Stumbled across a site today that I think is pretty cool. It is an online site that has videos posted with Rob Bell speaking on different issues that each of us face day in and day out. Here is an excerpt from the site:

We want spiritual direction, but it has to be real for us
and available when we need it. We want a new format for
getting Christian perspectives.

NOOMA is the new format.

It's short films with communicators that really speak to us.
Compact, portable, and concise. Each NOOMA touches on
issues that we care about, that we want to talk about,
and it comes in a way that fits our world.
It's a format that's there for us when we need it,
as we need it, how we need it.

I have only seen one of the videos, but I thought it was pretty good. I will be checking out more soon. Here is the site:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hello All...

I decided not to type up a weekly Bible study this week...didn't study up and prepare like I should have (please forgive). I ran across this devotional though and thought it shined a light on a subject not always on the list of Biblical topics.


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Are you shaping up or spreading out? Do you eat sensibly and exercise regularly, or do you spend most of your time on the couch with a [bag of cookies] in one hand and a clicker in the other? Are you choosing to treat your body like a temple or a trash heap? How you answer these questions will help determine how long you live and how well you live.

Physical fitness is a choice, a choice that requires discipline--it's as simple as that. So, do yourself this favor; treat your body like a one-of-a-kind gift from God...because that's precisely what your body is.You can't buy good health at a doctor's office--you've got to earn it for yourself.
Marie T. Freeman

It is important to set goals because if you do not have a plan, a goal, a direction, a purpose, and a focus, you are not going to accomplish anything for the glory of God.
Bill Bright

-A Prayer-
Lord, all that I am belongs to You. As I serve You with all that I am and all that I have, help me to honor You by caring for the body that You have given me. Amen.

Walking with Christ Every Day Devotional, 2007

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

I hope everybody has a great 4th of July. Grill some burgers, some hot dogs, som other grilled stuff and have fun. Remember to pray for our country, our leaders, and those fighting for our freedoms.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week #30 What is True Success?

This week's study is up. Had some really nice responses to last week's post: Week #29 Working for God. I hope this week we have more of the same.

I want to thank all of you who check out the blog and comment regularly and welcome those of you checking it out for the first time. Check out the new post this week when you get a chance and I look forward to reading some of your comments!

Week #30 What is True Success?

Oh...I also put up a thing for an RSS feed on the Weekly Bible Study page. I am not 100% sure how those things work, but if you click on it and click your email provider (if it is up there), I think you will get updates whenever I post something new to the blog. Try it out if you would like, and if you have a better explanation of what it is, please let me know.