Saturday, March 29, 2008

READ: Romans 5:6-11

Jesus lived a perfect which was sinless and fully pleasing to God. He had no unrighteousness that He owed payment (Romans 3:23). But we do. Until Jesus came, our destiny was fixed: we were headed for eternal separation from God. God cared so much for us that He willingly set aside His divinity and became a man to live among people whose hearts were far from Him. He came to die on behalf of a world that rejected Him.

The verses today describe the mystery of an innocent man dying in place of a guilty one. Would any of us volunteer to endure the deserved punishment of someone else? Maybe we would consider helping a person we considered good or righteous, but Jesus was willing to help the guilty! He voluntarily became our substitute--taking on our sin-debt and enduring the penalty we deserved. God's wrath was poured out on Him for all our sins.

The Savior died on the cross so that we might enter God's family and live with Him forever. because of Jesus' sacrifice, our status has been changed from outsider to child of God, from enemy to beloved, and from stranger to friend. No one could care about us more deeply than that. Jesus is truly our loving friend.

InTouch Magazine, February 2008, Vol. 31 No.2


  1. What an awesome God we have! He sent his Son to die on the cross for all of us. No matter how bad we DON'T deserve it, He loves us and forgives us for all of our sins. Thank you Jesus!

  2. God's love for us is overwhelming. I've don't have any kids, or at least I don't claim to (ha...sorry), but I couldn't imagine the pain and hurt God felt watching His perfect, innocent Son die on the cross for a group of people that rejected Him. We owe God everything! We serve such an AWESOME GOD!!!
