Create: The Activist
- The Creator as the ultimate act of creativity, has created you and me to be creative. (pg. 154)
- For them (artists) the boundaries are the parameters, not the limitations. (pg. 155)
- He (God) is the One who takes the zero and from it creates the infinite. And by the way, in case you've been wondering, you are incapable of this. That may be your primary source of frustration in your life. You're trying to create out of nothing. (pg. 156)
- ...our lives are to be more than cheap imitations of another's. That wouldn't even be living; that wouldn't even be existing--that would be torment. All of us long to find our own unique path. Even those who are deeply devoted to Jesus strive to imitate Christ without becoming an imitation. (pg. 157)
- The world, as Paul describes it, will rob you of your uniqueness. If you conform to it, you will lose your soul. You will lose yourself. To conform to Christ is to allow the One who created you to shape your character. It is here that God begins to reclaim, redirect, and unleash your creative potential. To conform to Christ is not to surrender your creative potential but to fully actualize it. (pg. 157)
- --if there is any creativity in us, it is because the creator God put it within us. We have been told that only God is creative, and all we are supposed to do is obey. No wonder people outside the faith see us as controlling and dogmatic. (pg. 157)
- You at your best are not in competition with God but in concert with God. (pg. 157-158)
- Every choice you make has momentum long past the action. Good choices create a better world and a better future. Destructive choices bring pain and tragedy. Either way, you are creating a future for yourself and the people affected by your life. (pg. 159)
- You are responsible for your actions and the consequences of your actions. (pg. 159)
- When Jesus gave us insight into the kingdom of God, he focused not so much on what God would do for us but instead on what he will expect from us. (pg. 160)
- We often convince ourselves that the fastest way to get somewhere in life is the shortest distance between two places. There are times and circumstances where what you did on the way to the destination is all that matters. (pg. 163)
- What Jesus is pressing us to acknowledge here is that some things are in our control. We are responsible to be prepared. We need to live our lives with the knowledge that one day Jesus will come back and evaluate our lives and take into measure the opportunities given to us. There are things that are not only in our control, but also for which we are responsible and will be held accountable. (pg. 163)
- "Life is short. Stay awake for it." (pg. 164)
- Often, the person who has the most luck is the person who won't quit. (pg. 164)
- When we fail, when we blow it, when we fall short because we were unprepared for an opportunity, we blow it off and say, "Well, that must have been the Lord's will." That's a Christianized way of blaming God for our own problems. (pg. 165)
- You Giving your best will honor God. (pg. 166)
- Do now whatever you must to be prepared for the future you desire. (pg. 166)
- You can't be a light if you don't have any oil for your lamp. (pg. 168) (referencing the parable of the ten virgins waiting to meet the bridegroom in Matthew 25:1-12)
- ...what God has entrusted to us, he holds us accountable for. (pg. 170)
- You have no control over how you live, only how well you live. You alone are the steward of your life, and you must choose what you will do with the talent God has given you. (pg. 170)
- We may all be created equal, but we aren't created the same. There are people out there more talented that we are. And yes, it's irritating and at times discouraging. Yet someone less talented can accomplish more than a person with superior talent by working harder. On the other hand, a more talented person might give less effort and still succeed more than the rest of us. Life is anything but fair. (pg. 171)
- Talent you don't use is talent you have abused. To waste what God has put in you is a dishonor to God and a disservice to humanity. (pg. 172)
- God is the source of all creativity, of all beauty, of all that is good in the world. (pg. 172)
- If you don't believe that you're part of the creative process, then just sit at the table tonight and wait until God brings you dinner. (pg. 173)
- ...Your potential will only be fully expressed in relationship to the creative God who made you creative. (pg. 173)
- It would be tragic if only those with the worst of intentions believed they could affect the future of humanity. What would happen if those who believed in love, hope, peace, and the value of human spirit also believed they could effect change in the world? (pg. 173)
- can actually do whatever you want with your life. You've been created by God to choose. I think a lot of us want to abdicate our life responsibility, even our free will. You get to decide what you do today and what you do tomorrow, but you will be accountable for your choices. (pg. 174)
- You may say, "I don't know what career God wants me to have." Do you know what a good starting point is? Quit blaming everything on God. Quit blaming your inability to make a decision. Quit blaming your indecisiveness on God. How about just owning up to the fact that you're afraid to make a choice. (pg. 174)
- We're absolutely afraid of God. We think if we risk and then fail, then God is going to punish us....God, though isn't looking at failure but faithfulness. He's not waiting for you to fail so he can punish you or succeed so he can pillage you. He wants to celebrate your life. (pg. 175)
- God finds no pleasure in the punishment of the wicked. He doesn't find any pleasure punishing the people many of us would love to punish. In the same way, he is not waiting for you to blow it so he can tell you how badly you have done. (pg. 175)
- God does not measure success the way we do. (pg. 175)
- Every time God created, it was good. (pg. 178)
- You want to know what your role is in the creative process? You are created by God to expand the good....Most of us understand that we're not created to be evil, but we act as if we were created to be neutral....God designed you to be an expression of his goodness. (pg. 178)
- God loves when his children reflect his character. (pg. 179)
- Jesus makes clear that the righteous people in his parable didn't help the poor try to earn God's love or earn a place in God's kingdom. Their service to others was a genuine reflection of their hearts. (pg. 179)
- This is your life and no one else's--so own it. It's your responsibility to maximize your capacity, to take an inventory of who you are and to understand how God has designed you, to harness all the talent and skills God has placed in you, and to recognize that you will not be measured against anyone else's life but your own. (pg. 179)
- You will only expand the good when your life is fueled by love and proved by action. It's not enough to feel empathy for others; you have to take some kind of action that reflects the heart of God as you serve the world. (pg. 180)
- Even while we are meeting the needs of others, God has a wonderful way of meeting our needs. When your dreams include the good of others, don't be surprised when God brings your dreams to pass. (pg. 181)
- God did not create you to be neutral; God did not create you to be a puppet; God did not create you to simply walk through life passively concluding, Whatever God's going to do, God's going to do. You can't create out of nothing, but don't underestimate the amazing potential that resides within you. (pg. 184)
- When you become an activist you become proactive. To create you must act. (pg. 185)